Hi! My name is Stojan, and I am the person behind NordicNavigator. The inspiration for this project came from my own personal experience of integrating into Swedish society. I moved to Sweden seven years ago, and my integration was swift and successful, partly because I learned the language quickly and partly due to my interest in administration, law, and bureaucracy.
As I delved deeper into the Swedish system, I found myself frequently assisting family, friends, and peers—many of whom were also newcomers in Sweden—with various errands. Over the past five years, I’ve helped a large circle of people, which inspired me to offer my services professionally, as I noticed a gap in the availability of this kind of assistance.
While there is extensive information on the websites of Swedish authorities and additional help can be obtained by calling or emailing them, I’ve witnessed firsthand that this support is sometimes insufficient. Legal or expert assistance can be prohibitively expensive, ranging from 1800 to 3000 SEK per hour, which is often out of reach for many newcomers. This is part of the reason I created NordicNavigator—to provide extra help at a substantially lower price.
Please note that the assistance provided here is not professional advice in any specific field but rather a counseling service based on practical experience of integrating into Swedish society.